Deciduous Azaleas

Deciduous Azaleas enrich the colour palette of Rhododendrons by many nice colours p. e. bright orange and yellow. In addition to that they have exhilarating fall foliage. The upright growing shrubs are totally hardy and grow nearly everywhere.

Apricot II
Apricot II

vis. Arpege II
vis. Arpege II

Balzac I
Balzac I

Bakkarat II
Bakkarat II

Berryrose I
Berryrose I

Cannon's Double III
Cannon's Double III

Christopher Wren II
Christopher Wren II

Coccinea Speciosa III
Coccinea Speciosa III

Corneille II
Corneille II

Csardas III
Csardas III

Daviesii I
Daviesii I

Elsie Pratt II
Elsie Pratt II

Fabiola III
Fabiola III

Feuerwerk I
Feuerwerk I

Friedtjof Nansen I
Friedtjof Nansen I

Gibraltar I
Gibraltar I

Glowing Embers I
Glowing Embers I

Gold Dust II
Gold Dust II


Golden Eagle I
Golden Eagle I

Golden Flare I
Golden Flare I

Golden Sunset I
Golden Sunset I

Homebush II
Homebush II

Hotspur Red I
Hotspur Red I

Irene Koster II
Irene Koster II

Jack A. Sand III
Jack A. Sand III

Jock Brydon II
Jock Brydon II

Jolie Madame II
Jolie Madame II

Klondyke II
Klondyke II

Lady Roseberry I
Lady Roseberry I

Rh. mollis gelb
Rh. mollis gelb

Nabucco II
Nabucco II

Nancy Waterer II
Nancy Waterer II

Narcissiflora III
Narcissiflora III

Norma III
Norma III

Oxydol II
Oxydol II

Pallas II
Pallas II

Parkfeuer I
Parkfeuer I

Persil II
Persil II

Pink Delight I
Pink Delight I

Pink Mimosa I
Pink Mimosa I

Pucella III
Pucella III

vis. Quiet Thoughts
vis. Quiet Thoughts

Raimunde II
Raimunde II

Rhododendron luteum
Rhododendron luteum

Robert Koch I
Robert Koch I

vis. Rosata II
vis. Rosata II

Royal Command I
Royal Command I

Sarina II
Sarina II

Satan I
Satan I

Schneegold II
Schneegold II

Silver Slipper II
Silver Slipper II

Soir de Paris I
Soir de Paris I

Spek's Brilliant I
Spek's Brilliant I

Strawberry Ice I
Strawberry Ice I

Sunte Nectarine II
Sunte Nectarine II

Sylphides II
Sylphides II

White Melody
White Melody

Whitethroat II
Whitethroat II

Winston Churchill I
Winston Churchill I

Rhodo Wiesmoor GmbH

Hauptstraße 258
26639 Wiesmoor
Phone: +49 (0)4944/91120
Fax: +49 (0)4944/7165

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